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Fitness Archives

The archives are arranged from the most current post to the oldest post.

Feel free to browse and comment. We’d love to chat and get your feedback! 

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What’s So Important About Fitness

After checking in, he walks along the wall studying the gym’s layout. Machines, cardio equipment, dumbbells, and weight racks. Doors line the exterior walls –

Moving Forward

Everyone’s walk is different. Some walk, some jog, some run, and some crawl. The point is: we’re moving forward. The mind and body are connected.

Have to vs Blessed to

For those that follow my posts, you know that I’m into gratitude, lol. I believe gratitude and appreciation are two of our greatest sources of

Earned Worth

One of the greatest hidden sources of unhappiness for many of us is a suboptimal sense of self-worth. In a world that often takes for

Processing Pain

The Buddha said the root of all suffering is attachment. I think of that as relating to acceptance (more on that later). Christians sometimes explain

Love is Hard

The common definition of “hard” is “difficult”. And we’d probably agree that love is, at least at times. But the dictionary adds others: “Not soft.

Fit & Healthy During the Pandemic

It’s easy to feel adrift right now with the loss of the familiar structures of work, errands, social engagements, and perhaps, school-related events. It’s unsettling

The Journey

They say the journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step. But if that step is in the wrong direction, then the faster your

How to be a Hero

The original meaning of the word “hero” wasn’t a fierce warrior who destroyed the bad guys and saved the world. It was “protector.” The heroic

Why Willpower Isn’t Enough

Willpower is powerful. Researchers find that someone with high willpower is twice as likely to be academically successful as someone with high intelligence. Kids with

Which Diet is the Best?

You’ve probably noticed there are dozens of diets out there. High/low carb, high/low fat, fruit based, paleo and everything in between and all of them

Becoming Unstoppable

What would be possible if you had total trust in your abilities and you went all in? In health, work, relationships… it’s a powerful question,

Start with Your Dreams

Start with your dreams, not your limitations. Bringing in the constraints of reality is the second step, not the first. There is a story about

Obligatory New Year Fitness Post

That’s right, I said it. I mean that’s all anyone is writing/talking/vlogging about at this moment because with the new year comes the resolutions. I

Embracing Failure

How do you handle failure when it comes? Ok, so this month we are going to just talk about embracing failure.  First things first, let’s

The Cake is a Lie.

You’d totally get the title of this post if you ever played Portal (which you definitely should if you haven’t because it’s amazing). For those

Fitness & Family

First of all, welcome to this fitness blog. I’m Becky, and I am so honored and glad you are here! I’d love to start us

Why Walking is so Wonderful

“Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you.” Genesis 13:17 Ladies and Gents, why do we


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