Sun Care Basics

I love the sunshine. I love being outside from the moment I wake up until bed, for at least 4 months out of the year (as I live where it is usually cold). However, here in Michigan we are now making our way towards summer and I just wanted to take a minute to talk […]
Self Care Isn’t Selfish

The other day I woke up and the best way I could describe my mood was “foul.” I couldn’t put my finger on why, but everything was setting me off. Even small things, like Steve asking me a question while I was busy or Moose (my corgi) being underfoot, was hurling me into an unrelenting […]
Find Your Shampoo Soulmate

When I get compliments on my hair, I always laugh a little and say “Thanks, I washed it!” If you have read my post about dry shampoo, you know that doesn’t always happen… But in all honesty, it looks amazing on shampoo days because I have found a shampoo and conditioner that work together for […]
Embrace Your Colors

“ Ladies keep your head up… The only reason a woman should ever look down is to show off her eyeshadow.” -Unknown Makeup is an art form, and just like in art there are rules. However, like most they can be bent or broken. I’m sure you have seen from some of my other posts […]
Our Beautiful World

Beauty. This means something different to all of us. When I think of beauty, I mostly think of the worldly things. Hair, makeup, fashion. These things surround us. They are a part of our everyday lives. I spend my working life in this beauty business. But I really want to take a minute to appreciate […]
Quarantine Beauty Tips

I have been struggling with what to write this week. Being at home full time hasn’t been very inspirational. However I am starting to find ways to feel like myself. Not letting yourself get down during this is so important. Beauty is a feeling just as much as looks. We all need a little beauty […]

Hi Beauties! I know the world is crazy right now. We are a few weeks from finally seeing what everyone’s natural hair color is. I’m sure when this is all over I am going to get a ton of phone calls for summer color. Now for most people this is highlights or maybe add some […]
IGK Dry Shampoo Review

Even though I am a hairstylist, I am a little lazy in my own hair routine sometimes. I know all of the ads show stylists with freshly done blow-outs, smiling like they have no cares in the world. Well, I hate to say it but that is rarely true. Most of us can barely consume […]
Confessions of a Makeup Hoarder

Hi! My name is Dani and I have a problem… Ok, maybe not a problem per se, unless you are my husband and fighting for shelf space in the bathroom. I love makeup. I love the cheap makeup and the expensive stuff, (much to my husband’s dismay) and my 16 year old daughter is following […]
Step Up Your Nail Game

Have you ever just looked at someone and noticed their perfect nails? (Maybe it’s just the stylist in me…) I love looking at all of the crazy, beautiful nails right now. If you go on Pinterest or Instagram, you almost can’t avoid these tiny works of art. There are so many different kinds of nails […]