Even though I am a hairstylist, I am a little lazy in my own hair routine sometimes. I know all of the ads show stylists with freshly done blow-outs, smiling like they have no cares in the world. Well, I hate to say it but that is rarely true. Most of us can barely consume enough coffee on the drive in to make a full sentence. Like most other working parents, my mornings are hectic. I am chasing around a hyperactive 8 year old, trying to wrestle him into socks and hollering at the 16 year old to hurry up and not miss the bus again. For the most part hair washing isn’t even on my radar. (I swear I still shower…) This is where I mention the holy grail of morning savers.
Dry Shampoo.
Now, when I first learned of dry shampoo, I thought of the stuff they had for people who generally couldn’t shower or lean back to shampoo. These original ones were mostly aerosolized powder. They smelled like baby powder and left your hair with a lovely white residue, almost mimicking a founding father’s wig. Eww.
That isn’t the case anymore. These things are amazing. I love them so much that I constantly buy new ones just to see how they have improved. Recently I purchased from a line I have never used before: IGK. These packages are so cool looking and even better, they have 3 different levels of cleaning power. Also a huge bonus, they are vegan and cruelty free! Here is a little insight on my first experiences with them.

I didn’t purchase the light cleanse one because let’s face it, I need more power. I am running around like crazy, using all sorts of products and perhaps trying to see if I can stretch my shampoos another day (or 5). However, my rep did tell me about it and let me try it. It smells great and will give you that clean boost you need for that quick gentle touch-up or on day 2 hair. It absorbs oil and leaves you feeling soft.

The second one is more my normal pace. It has Turmeric in it to lightly cleanse and charcoal powder to remove dirt and buildup. My first experience with it was on day 3 hair. My hair, when I finally managed to get up, was flat and a bit oily. Not terrible but still might leave my clients questioning. I used this spray and it not only absorbed the oil, but gave my hair some body and texture. I was able to just brush it out and have a great, freshly styled look. I definitely recommend this one for someone like me who gets a little more oily and wants a little more body without the work of a blow dryer and brush.

This one is for those weeks where you use every product under the sun and just don’t have time to shampoo and style. This one has charcoal powder to lift and remove dirt, while white tea powder gives it a cooling/soothing effect on the scalp. For research purposes, I may be somewhere around 5 days between shampoos at the moment. I even curled my hair yesterday and slept on it. This morning I sprayed this in, waited the 30 seconds they recommended and massaged it through. The spray was cool and refreshing on my scalp and my hair bounced back to life. My slept-on day old curls look like I just did them. And my hair has a nice, fresh scent to it. I think I’m hooked.

I definitely recommend these dry shampoos. I love that they have something for everyone. Whether it be a quick touch up after work, or the equivalent to power blasting off 5 days of hairspray. IGK has your back on this one.
Check them out!
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