Have to vs Blessed to

For those that follow my posts, you know that I’m into gratitude, lol. I believe gratitude and appreciation are two of our greatest sources of self-esteem and happiness (see my last post, “Earned Worth”). While washing my hands today I noticed the herbal sleep aid we get from the health food store to help my […]
Earned Worth

One of the greatest hidden sources of unhappiness for many of us is a suboptimal sense of self-worth. In a world that often takes for granted all our good deeds but is quick to point out our mistakes, it’s easy to see how this can happen. Our brains keep us safe by looking for two […]
The Amazing Impact of Hope and Optimism – And how to strengthen yours!

The dictionary says hope means desiring a positive experience. As in…I hope this post helps someone…lol. It’s believing that our future will be better than our present. That’s huge because without it, we are hope−less. So, how we think about the future has a huge impact on how we feel right now. Which of the […]
Processing Pain

The Buddha said the root of all suffering is attachment. I think of that as relating to acceptance (more on that later). Christians sometimes explain suffering as something God gives or allows us as an opportunity for growth. A beginning premise is that most suffering is self created. This is contrary to what we typically […]
Love is Hard

The common definition of “hard” is “difficult”. And we’d probably agree that love is, at least at times. But the dictionary adds others: “Not soft. Unyielding. Done with great strength”. This kind of love can be fierce, like the love of a warrior for the people they protect. Or the tough love that parents must […]
Fit & Healthy During the Pandemic

It’s easy to feel adrift right now with the loss of the familiar structures of work, errands, social engagements, and perhaps, school-related events. It’s unsettling to find ourselves without the predictable ways we used to measure our days. Without the usual deadlines to force us to focus, it may feel harder to get things done, […]
The Journey

They say the journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step. But if that step is in the wrong direction, then the faster your progress and the further away you get. Get clear on your destination. What is your vision? Your purpose in the world? What would inspire you to leap out of bed […]
How to be a Hero

The original meaning of the word “hero” wasn’t a fierce warrior who destroyed the bad guys and saved the world. It was “protector.” The heroic ideal was someone who worked hard to develop the strength to go beyond themselves and care for others. They were motivated by their big hearts, their compassion, and their calling […]
Why Willpower Isn’t Enough

Willpower is powerful. Researchers find that someone with high willpower is twice as likely to be academically successful as someone with high intelligence. Kids with willpower go on to generally have not only more school and career success, but be healthier too. Best of all, it’s a teachable skill. But willpower is only the beginning. […]
Which Diet is the Best?

You’ve probably noticed there are dozens of diets out there. High/low carb, high/low fat, fruit based, paleo and everything in between and all of them have devoted followers who say they have transformed their bodies and health. So how can so many wildly different diets seem to work? What is the common thread that ties […]