Good News That is Actually Good News – The Perfect You

One of my pet peeves is people who rave about a book they’ve read, but when they’re asked to explain why it’s so great, all they respond with is, “You have to read the book!” Seriously? There are a bazillion books out there. Who has the time or the desire to read them all? It’s […]
Some Love, Truth & Carrots with Dip

“ See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” 1 John 3:1 NIV¹ It was an ordinary sibling squabble that ended with something unkind flung at the younger sister and younger sister dishing back whatever she could to older brother before running into her bedroom […]
Fit & Healthy During the Pandemic

It’s easy to feel adrift right now with the loss of the familiar structures of work, errands, social engagements, and perhaps, school-related events. It’s unsettling to find ourselves without the predictable ways we used to measure our days. Without the usual deadlines to force us to focus, it may feel harder to get things done, […]
The Journey

They say the journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step. But if that step is in the wrong direction, then the faster your progress and the further away you get. Get clear on your destination. What is your vision? Your purpose in the world? What would inspire you to leap out of bed […]
Skinnier O’Brien Frittata

Recipes at the top, sweet blog post below. Skinnier O’Brien Frittata Ingredients 3 Egg Whites 1 Cage-Free Egg ½ cup Red Bell Pepper, diced ½ cup Shallots, diced 1 pkg Canadian Bacon, 5oz, cut into bite size pieces 1 medium potato, peeled & cubed ½ tsp Penzey’s Parisian Bonne Herbes ¼ tsp Penzey’s Ruth Ann’s […]
Start with Your Dreams

Start with your dreams, not your limitations. Bringing in the constraints of reality is the second step, not the first. There is a story about the training of work elephants. When the elephant is young, the trainer ties a heavy chain to its leg. No matter how hard it pulls, it can’t escape. By the […]
Obligatory New Year Fitness Post

That’s right, I said it. I mean that’s all anyone is writing/talking/vlogging about at this moment because with the new year comes the resolutions. I don’t think I’ve ever accomplished a single resolution I’ve ever made and that’s probably because I made really unachievable ones like “I’m going to lose all my weight and be […]
Inner Beauty is Where It’s At

Years ago, Audrey Hepburn was asked about her beauty secrets in an interview and her response was ‘For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day. People, even more […]
Embracing Failure

How do you handle failure when it comes? Ok, so this month we are going to just talk about embracing failure. First things first, let’s define failure. defines it as “Lack of success”. No one likes to look in the mirror and tell themselves that they have failed. It can hurt, whatever the situation. […]
Integrity: The Art of Keeping Promises to Yourself

I have had so many people ask me how I was so successful in my weight loss journey. Of course, I would tell them the logistics of my journey. You know, my calorie intake, workout routine, all of that. Don’t worry, we will get to that. But when you get past that it really boils […]