Moving Forward

Everyone’s walk is different. Some walk, some jog, some run, and some crawl. The point is: we’re moving forward. The mind and body are connected. In a rut? Move. Your thoughts will follow your feet. Effort speaks and momentum builds. Sometimes we need a change of scenery. A change of pace. In the home office […]
Embrace Your Colors

“ Ladies keep your head up… The only reason a woman should ever look down is to show off her eyeshadow.” -Unknown Makeup is an art form, and just like in art there are rules. However, like most they can be bent or broken. I’m sure you have seen from some of my other posts […]
♫♪ Jingle Nails, Jingle Nails… ♫♪

How do you celebrate the holidays? Are your trees up before Thanksgiving? Do you decorate every door frame with lights and garland? Do you constantly have Christmas music playing the background? Do you tinsel the heck out of your Christmas tree to give that extra touch of glittery sparkle? How do I celebrate for the […]