Bangers & Smash

Recipes at the top, sweet blog post below. Bangers & Smash Ingredients 4-8 Sausages of your choice* 2 Leeks, thinly sliced, 1″ pieces (white & light green) 4 Golden Potatoes Olive Oil (regular) Pink Himalayan Salt & Ground Black Pepper (to taste) Preheat oven to 450°F. Bake the potatoes for about 40 minutes. When completed, […]
Self Care Isn’t Selfish

The other day I woke up and the best way I could describe my mood was “foul.” I couldn’t put my finger on why, but everything was setting me off. Even small things, like Steve asking me a question while I was busy or Moose (my corgi) being underfoot, was hurling me into an unrelenting […]
Potato & Leek Soup

Recipes at the top, sweet blog post below. Potato & Leek Soup Ingredients 4 Peeled Golden Potatoes, cut into 1″ cubes 2 Leeks, thinly sliced (white & light green) 1 tsp Thyme 1 tbsp Olive Oil (regular) 3 cups Low Sodium Chicken Broth 1 cup Half & Half Pink Himalayan Salt & Ground Black Pepper […]
Bagel of Champions

Recipes at the top, sweet blog post below. Bagel of Champions Ingredients 1 Brioche Bagel 1 tbsp ⅓ fat cream cheese 1 thin slice smoked salmon (about 1 oz) 1 ripe avocado, sliced ½ tbsp crushed pecans Toast the bagel. Spread on cream cheese. Place salmon on cream cheese. Layer on the avocado slices and […]
Crack Salmon

Recipes at the top, sweet blog post below. Crack Salmon Ingredients 2 lbs Salmon Fillets 2 tbsp Olive Oil ¼ cup Brown Sugar ¼ cup Low Sodium Soy Sauce ¼ cup Honey 4 tbsp Minced Garlic 2 tbsp Ground Mustard 2 tbsp Lemon Juice Pink Himalayan Salt & Ground Black Pepper Preheat oven to 350°F. […]

Recipes at the top, sweet blog post below. Tteokbokki Ingredients 2 pkg Garaetteok (rice cakes) 2 tbsp Sempio Jin Gold S Soy Sauce 1-2 tbsp Stevia 1 tbsp Gochugaru (Korean Chili Powder) * 1 tbsp Gochujang (Hot Pepper Paste)* 5-7 Green Onions, diced 7 large Dried Anchovies 6×8 inch Dried Kelp 4 cups Water Fish […]
Simple Cajun Jambalaya

Recipes at the top, sweet blog post below. Simple Cajun Jambalaya Ingredients 1 pkg (13 oz) Turkey Kielbasa, sliced ~1” thick diagonally 1 medium Red Bell Pepper, diced 1 medium Yellow Bell Pepper, diced 1 medium Orange Bell Pepper, diced 2 small Jalapeños, diced – deseeded & deveined* 2 small Sweet Onions, diced 3 cups […]
Only What You Need

“ Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 NIV¹ Here I am, 12:30am, just starting this post. I have been thinking for a solid two weeks straight (in between running around with my “essential” job) about what to write during this rough patch we’re globally […]
Mushroom, Spinach & Tomato Galette

Recipes at the top, sweet blog post below. Mushroom, Spinach & Tomato Galette Crust Ingredients 1 cup White Whole Wheat Flour ½ tsp Penzey’s 4/S Special Seasoned Smoky Salt 2 Fresh Basil Leaves, chopped 6 tbsp. Smart Balance Light Olive Oil Buttery Spread ¼ cup Plain Greek Yogurt 2 tbsp. lemon juice (about a ½ […]
Eggy Ratatouille

Recipes at the top, sweet blog post below. Eggy Ratatouille Ingredients 4 Eggs 1 Eggplant, diced 1 Sweet Onion, diced 1 Zucchini, diced 1 Red or Orange Bell Pepper, diced & de-seeded ⅛ cup Chopped Fresh Basil 1 can Roma Tomatoes (15 oz) 2 tbsp Mined Garlic 2 tbsp Olive Oil (Regular) 2 tsp Penzey’s […]