Recipes at the top, sweet blog post below.
Bagel of Champions
- 1 Brioche Bagel
- 1 tbsp ⅓ fat cream cheese
- 1 thin slice smoked salmon (about 1 oz)
- 1 ripe avocado, sliced
- ½ tbsp crushed pecans
Toast the bagel. Spread on cream cheese. Place salmon on cream cheese. Layer on the avocado slices and top with the crushed pecans. VOILA! Delicious bagel.

I’m Kira and I’m not a morning person. You’d better set up that IV drip of coffee and shove some food in my face before you speak to me in the morning. If you’re like me, then the last thing you want to do is Betty Crocker your AM routine with an elaborate breakfast. I find that I do best when I can keep things as simple as possible. I’d rather use my brain cells to regain coherency and begin planning my day.

My Bagel of Champions can totally be altered to be EVEN SIMPLER. You can save yourself a step by skipping the salmon and it is still just as delectable. My husband likes to add a little honey to it, if you like a bit of sweetness. I feel like bagels are really an underrated breakfast item. True, they aren’t exactly bastions of nutrition, but you can definitely not feel terrible about eating one in a pinch.
If you were feeling ambitious, you could totally make SkinnyTaste’s easy bagels the night/week before and put whatever you wanted on them! PS – if you want to check out all the great health benefits of Salmon, check this out.
If you still aren’t on board with my bagel train, than I have some other quick breakfast suggestions for you:
- Egg White Wrap: 1 La Banderita Carb Counter Carb Lean Tortilla, 3 egg whites, 1 slice 2% American cheese, and 1 slice of lean lunchmeat of your choosing (I used Dietz & Watson Santa Fe Turkey). Cook the egg whites in a pan (sprayed with an olive oil non-stick spray). Layer as tortilla, cheese, egg white and lunchmeat and then just roll up.
- Toast & Jam: 2 slices of your favorite healthy bread (like Simply Nature’s Oat So Healthy bread from Aldi), and your favorite jam. I’m partial to the preserves from Bonne Maman.
- Cream of Wheat: This is a childhood favorite of mine. I usually cook it with some 2% Lactose Free Milk and add a little Stevia or honey for sweetness.
- Cereal & Milk: Not all cereal is terrible! I swear. I personally love the ones from Cascadian Farm Organic (like their Cinnamon Crunch or Berry Vanilla Puffs) and Mom’s Best Cereal (like their Blueberry Wheatfuls and Safari Cocoa Crunch). I generally stick to the 2% Friendly Farms milk from Aldi, but you do you, friend. Just stay away from ones that pretend to be good for you like Kashi or Great Grains. Always read your ingredients label and nutritional facts!
- Oatmeal: You can make this in so many ways that I’m not even going to get into that many here. Steve’s favorite is just some oatmeal, 1 tbsp flaxseed oil (for heart health), fresh blueberries and a tsp of dark brown sugar or honey. I’m a big fan of oatmeal with a fresh chopped Honeycrisp apple, and a sprinkle of cinnamon and stevia (or a little honey).
Let’s address a real issue now though: Hanger. If you aren’t this person, I bet you can think of someone you know who gets super hangry. Steve and I are both guilty of hanger and we can tell it’s time to eat when our mood rapidly declines and we start getting at each other. Believe it or not, this is because your glucose levels have dropped and your body has gone into survival mode. It knows you need sustenance and it’s not about to let anyone get in the way of that. So next time you’re feeling a bit sassy and you’re not sure why, grab a snack. Your loved ones will thank you.

“In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.”
Ephesians 4:26-27
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”
Ephesians 4:29
“A quick-tempered person does foolish things,
and the one who devises evil schemes is hated.”
Proverbs 14:17
“Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit,
for anger resides in the lap of fools.”
Ecclesiastes 7:9
“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.”
James 1:19-20
“Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;
do not fret—it leads only to evil.”
Psalm 37:8
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