Sun Care Basics

I love the sunshine. I love being outside from the moment I wake up until bed, for at least 4 months out of the year (as I live where it is usually cold). However, here in Michigan we are now making our way towards summer and I just wanted to take a minute to talk […]
Dani’s Winter Skin Care

Winter. This word makes me think of hot cocoa, warm fireplaces, and snuggling my kiddos as the snow falls softly outside. Unfortunately, it also makes me think of constantly running my furnace, blustery cold winds, and horribly dry skin. I live in Michigan. In case you aren’t familiar with it, this is one of the […]
Review: Mrs. Meyer’s Body Care

It’s product review time! Before we jump in though, I want to say that anytime I review a product, it is one that I’ve been using for a while or have used before. I wasn’t given these products. I’m not being sponsored or paid by the company to review them. I just genuinely want to […]
Baking Soda is NOT a Face Exfoliant

I keep seeing this beauty craze going around with the DIYers that baking soda is the way to go in terms of exfoliation. Peeps, baking Soda is strong enough to be used as a household cleaner. Think about that for a minute. That’s what you’d be putting on your face. YOUR FACE. Shouting out my […]
Building a Skin Routine

Peeps, skin care is super important but making a skin routine for yourself is so confusing. I mean, a 10 step skin care routine?? Whattttttttttt. My eyes glazed over when I first started reading about those lengthier routines and all the South Korean products. What the heck is a double cleanse? Essence? Ampoules? Well, no […]
The Big Skin Post

Hi there, friends! Strap yourselves in because this one is going to be a bit more of a technical post. I really want to go a bit deeper and lay down some foundational knowledge. If you already know all of this, than that’s awesome and I’m sorry, but you may have to skip down some. […]
Top 10 Favorite Drugstore Makeup Products (Plus a bonus!!!)

I have to admit that I think the only time I step into a Sephora is around my birthday each year to get my birthday freebie. I feel so fancy walking out with that mini Sephora black and white striped bag with the red tissue paper sticking out the top and my free beauty item […]