What’s So Important About Fitness

After checking in, he walks along the wall studying the gym’s layout. Machines, cardio equipment, dumbbells, and weight racks. Doors line the exterior walls – basketball, racquet ball, a swimming pool and cycling. People are scattered about. His eyes return to the bench press and squat racks. He doesn’t really know what to do or […]
Start with Your Dreams

Start with your dreams, not your limitations. Bringing in the constraints of reality is the second step, not the first. There is a story about the training of work elephants. When the elephant is young, the trainer ties a heavy chain to its leg. No matter how hard it pulls, it can’t escape. By the […]
Obligatory New Year Fitness Post

That’s right, I said it. I mean that’s all anyone is writing/talking/vlogging about at this moment because with the new year comes the resolutions. I don’t think I’ve ever accomplished a single resolution I’ve ever made and that’s probably because I made really unachievable ones like “I’m going to lose all my weight and be […]
The Cake is a Lie.

You’d totally get the title of this post if you ever played Portal (which you definitely should if you haven’t because it’s amazing). For those of you who don’t quite get what I’m saying, “The Cake is a Lie” basically means “You are chasing after an empty, unattainable goal.” Now not to be a Debbie […]