Earned Worth

One of the greatest hidden sources of unhappiness for many of us is a suboptimal sense of self-worth. In a world that often takes for granted all our good deeds but is quick to point out our mistakes, it’s easy to see how this can happen. Our brains keep us safe by looking for two […]
Only What You Need

“ Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 NIV¹ Here I am, 12:30am, just starting this post. I have been thinking for a solid two weeks straight (in between running around with my “essential” job) about what to write during this rough patch we’re globally […]
Making Room

“ Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 NIV¹ In her book Making Room², Christine D. Pohl noted that in many societies enduring the pain of tragedies, hospitality remains a far fetched moral practice but not an important expression of kindness and response for the […]
How to be a Hero

The original meaning of the word “hero” wasn’t a fierce warrior who destroyed the bad guys and saved the world. It was “protector.” The heroic ideal was someone who worked hard to develop the strength to go beyond themselves and care for others. They were motivated by their big hearts, their compassion, and their calling […]
Bigger Than the Picture Frame: Part 2

In his book Whisper¹, Mark Batterson talks about Dr. Alfred Tomatis and the task of examining the hearing of employees subjected to daily sounds of plane engines. These employees suffered from work-related deafness and voice impediments. He noted that the alterations of their ears were systematically accompanied by vocal deficiencies. He later highlighted that the […]